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How Much to Tip For Beauty Services

Suggested tip: 20%

When it comes to makeup services, a 20 percent tip, depending on your satisfaction, is standard. To ensure a seamless service all around, you’ll first want to consult with the artist beforehand to ensure your desired look is something they can realistically achieve. “Each artist has unique specialties, so in the same way you would call a nail salon to ask if there’s a nail tech that can do nail art before showing up, you’ll want to talk to your artist before booking,” says Casper. “If you’re requesting something dramatic or more intricate like a graphic liner, cut crease, foxy eye, airbrush makeup, or glitter, you’re asking for a specific skill set that not all artists have, and these typically require more time and money to perfect.”

According to Casper, most artists will factor in higher pricing for more intricate looks, but the look itself isn’t all that should be taken into account when tipping. “Sometimes I have to wait to start a client’s service because they’re in the shower or tending to other matters, which can cost me being late for my next appointment,” says Casper, adding that much of a makeup artist’s work — maintaining their kit, fixing broken products, depotting lipsticks and foundations, sanitizing, restocking, and cleaning brushes — is done behind the scenes.

Consider whether you’re asking for something extra (like customized lashes) that could add to your appointment time. Also, if the artist goes outside of their service scope (for instance, if they taught you how to do something yourself or they gave you touch-up products), this could also warrant a higher tip. And, if they’re traveling to you, this should also play a factor in tipping. “Did they have to walk a considerable distance from the parking structure to your hotel room? Is the elevator in your building out? We are often carrying our weight in lighting, equipment, chairs, and bags of products,” says Casper.

Remember that tips don’t always come in the form of gratuity. “I have clients who bring me my coffee order, buy my lunch, or upgrade my suite or flight when traveling,” says Casper. “If you’re not in the financial position to tip, you can also offer to leave them a stellar review or send a letter of recommendation they can use on their website.”

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