Someone wise once said that the best accessory you can wear is a smile, and we’re feeling that sentiment more than ever. After all, it’s beyond just a facial expression — a simple smile can truly brighten up a person’s day just when they need it. That’s why SHEIN teamed up with SmileyWorld®️, the brand behind the instantly recognizable grin you already know and love. Created by French journalist Franklin Loufrani, SmileyWorld®️ has been spreading good vibes around the world for more than 50 years, and now you can bring some of the Smiley’s incredible energy into your own home and wardrobe.
The SmileyWorld®️ x SHEIN collab features a range of cool and expressive designs that capture the essence of SmileyWorld®️’s iconic imagery. From stylish accessories and bags to eye-catching stickers and phone cases, there’s something for everyone in the SmileyWorld®️ x SHEIN collection. This vibrant lineup features everything from trendy and affordable home decor to nail decals and travel gear, with each piece capturing the essence of SmileyWorld®️’s uplifting message.
Everything in the collab is infused with the infectious positivity that SmileyWorld®️ is known for, making it impossible not to smile yourself whenever you use or wear them. Whether you’re gearing up for back-to-school season or simply looking to refresh your style at home, SmileyWorld®️ x SHEIN offers the perfect blend of fun and fashion with an optimistic twist.
Keep reading to shop some of the best pieces from the collection, and then get ready for your days to get a little brighter!