Home>Beauty>Taurus Horoscope September 2024: Read Your Monthly Predictions

Taurus Horoscope September 2024: Read Your Monthly Predictions

You should probably circle Tuesday, September 17, in your calendar. There’s a Pisces full moon and lunar eclipse in your 11th House of Friendship. Lunar eclipses are often times when we notice how others affect us. As a result, if you’re in any toxic friendships, you may become aware of it around this date. September is a super transformative month, Taurus. This date could bring fights, fallout, or simply the dawning realization that someone in your inner circle isn’t very good for you.

It’s understandable if this seems like a lot. The sun moves into Libra and your self-care-oriented 6th House on Sunday, September 22. This date is also the fall equinox, when the days and nights are of equal length, not to mention Mabon, a witchy Thanksgiving. Certainly not everything in your life needs updating, Taurus. Celebrate Mabon and all of Virgo season by noticing and then leaning into the people and activities who give you life.

And, indeed, the end of September takes on a super loving vibe. This is in part because, also on Sunday, September 22, your ruling planet, sweet Venus, transits into your romantic 7th House of Partnership. If you’re dating someone, and it’s healthy, this indicates that things start to move to the next level, just in time for cuffing season. And, if you’re happily single, know that Venus loves platonic relationships just as much (and sometimes even more) and that your chosen family will have you feeling doted on and adored.

Yes, with Uranus and Pluto retrograde, plus the lunar eclipse, September sounds intense. However, the end of the month is just adorable. On Thursday, September 26, the messenger Mercury moves into your 6th House, bringing you lots of opportunities for rest and self-care. An opportunity to take a trip may arise, or someone might gift you with something lovely like a massage. Make sure to say yes to the gifts that come your way. You deserve them, Taurus. We’ll see you in October.

Important dates in September 2024:

Sunday, September 1: Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus
Sunday, September 1: Pluto retrograde moves into Capricorn
Monday, September 2: New Moon in Virgo
Wednesday, September 4: Mars enters Cancer
Sunday, September 8: Pallas moves into Sagittarius
Sunday, September 8: Mercury moves into Virgo
Tuesday, September 17: Full moon and lunar eclipse in Pisces
Sunday, September 22: Sun enters Libra; Fall Equinox
Sunday, September 22: Venus moves into Scorpio
Thursday, September 26: Mercury enters Libra

To see monthly predictions for another zodiac sign, check out our full list of September 2024 horoscopes.

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