Home>Fashion>NYLON Editors Recap NYFW September 2024 Paris Hilton Party

NYLON Editors Recap NYFW September 2024 Paris Hilton Party

Believe it or not, the staff of NYLON hardly gets to see one another during NYLON parties. That’s because we’re scattered to the winds filming Hayley Williams and Megan Thee Stallion exchanging numbers for our Instagram, making wry observations on the event live blog, flagging down Nicky Hilton to ask who made her sparkly pink hooded dress, and generally… doing our jobs.

But this time, after our New York Fashion Week event that also served as Paris Hilton’s Infinite Icon release celebration, we sat down at the metaphorical diner (Slack) with some figurative bloody Marias (matcha or Celsius — the coverage didn’t stop at 1 a.m.) for the unofficial editors’ debrief. Below, our all-access summary of all the funniest, weirdest, and wildest moments you didn’t see.

Lauren McCarthy, editor-in-chief: I would like to lead with this photo of Julian Casablancas and me hugging.

Kelly Reed, senior social media strategist: Lauren, drop the arm routine.

LM: OK, true tea: tan by Paris’ collab with Tan-Luxe (not sponsored).

CP: What did you talk about?

LM: He had just come from soccer… or softball?… practice? Tryouts? A game? I don’t know, something sports.

Kevin LeBlanc, style editor: The kiss mark is killing me.

LM: I was not wearing red lipstick, for the record.

CP: Who else was there in your section? Because there were so many people.

LM: Everyone was freaking out over the Love Island cast! Including Megan Thee Stallion.

KL: Kordell was walking around like a Migos.

KR: Also Kathy Hilton crying to “Stars Are Blind” next to Ivy Getty.

CP: Kevin and I had to do a double take. Then Kathy came back out wearing sunglasses.

KR: The entire Hilton clan was cracking me up. Carter [Reum] was giving the performance of his life in the front row.

CP: I was thinking about this, though: You and your sibling just hanging out, playing music and having fun is the American dream. No wonder Kathy was tearing up.

KR: They looked like they were having the best night of their lives, not going to lie.

LM: And they got to dance with Meg, jealous.

CP: I’m so impressed by how Paris did not stop smiling the entire time, a true professional.

KR: She is a real-life Barbie.

KL: She was locked in — and somehow barely sweating. Her husband being her number-one hype man was so adorable.

KR: When he jumped onstage, Kevin and I immediately made eye contact and started dying.

CP: Lauren, tell us about Hayley Williams, please.

LM: She is just… the queen of everything. I had just sat next to her for two hours at dinner and was still starstruck when she walked in. Watching her and Megan Thee Stallion exchange numbers… we better be getting a collab.

CP: This is going to be my follow-up question for everything: What did you and Hayley talk about for two hours?

LM: Well, most importantly, I found out she is also a Bright Eyes fan. Tangent: What was everyone’s favorite song that Paris played?

KL: “Stars Are Blind” live transformed me.

CP: Plus one for “Stars Are Blind.” Live, it was almost… plaintive? No wonder it got to Kathy. (Even though I had to ask Kevin what song it was, shh. The look Kevin gave me.)

KR: Paris playing Nirvana was it.

KL: Everyone’s loving Paris on my story but gagging over Kathy. Between her, Meredith Marks, and Gia Guidice, the Housewives universe was well-represented.

LM: Honestly, when she started her DJ set with “Gimme More,” I went to the moon.

CP: Does anyone have any final details they’d like to share with the class? I would like to mention that Paris Hilton pointed at me and said “I love your shirt.” (It had her cover on it.)

LM: I would like for that to be the headline of this recap.

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